Coachella Valley Desert Camera Club
Competition Winners

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March 22, 2005
Judge: Bill Nord

Print Division
Excellence Awards
Roger Kipp Old Bodie Buildings
Meline Pickus Bright Spot On A Rainy Day
Honorable Mentions
Stan Spiegel Bridge To The Palms
Creative: Think Bright Yellow
Excellence Awards
John Brantley Not So Mellow Yellow
Bill Coleman Two On The Way
Honorable Mentions
Joe Ramsey Desert Flowers
Judie Ruzek Liquid Rose
Stan Spiegel Lemons
Special Project: Superimposition
Excellence Awards
Joe Ramsey I Love A Parade
Honorable Mentions
Judie Ruzek Blended Floral
Slide Division
Print Division
Excellence Awards
Eugene Lambert Dunes
Eugene Lambert Primrose Trio
Honorable Mentions
Creative: Think Bright Yellow
Excellence Awards
Eugene Lambert Swallowtail
Eugene Lambert Yellow Trio
Honorable Mentions
Dan Chalfont Woody, Your Blood Pressur'e Going Up!
Gitta Gorman Yellow Marker
Special Project: Superimposition
Excellence Awards
Honorable Mentions
Slide Division

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